Triangle Chapter Volunteer Form


Please complete the form below to express your interest to serve in a chapter volunteer position. Our goal is to have at least three advisors for each chapter – Advisor, Recruitment Coach and Finance Coach – but more support is welcomed.  Download our Quick Guide HERE.  For more information contact us at


Chapter Coaching Team members are a team of three or more adult volunteers – Triangle or non – who agree to at least five (5) hours per month to coach individual chapter officers. Teams ideally include an executive coach, finance coach, recruitment coach, membership coach, and faculty advisor. Online training is available for general volunteers and additional resources are available for individual coaching areas. Here is more detail on individual responsibilities.

Chapter Advisor/Executive Coach works directly with the active president as he leads the chapter. Knowledge of planning, time management, delegation, supervision, leadership and risk management is helpful. Active presidents can benefit from a more experienced mentor who can listen and encourage, remind about policies and deadlines, and propose action options when serious decisions need to be made.

Finance Coaches work directly with the Treasurer to support proper accounting and financial management. We lose more chapters to financial mis-management than to risk management problems, so this is an area vital to chapter success. Knowledge of budgeting/forecasting, and billings and collections is helpful as is basic financial principles and cash flow management. Triangle is now a national partner with GreekBill, an online chapter financial management package and Finance Coaches will be able to access and oversee chapter operations, once trained. Finally, these coaches should help make sure chapters are filing Form 990s each year, to keep their IRS nonprofit status intact.

Recruitment Coaches work directly with the Recruitment VP/Chair and recruitment committee. Failure to plan is a plan to fail and the implications for recruitment can be very serious. Here, an alumnus presence is important to help the chapter build and execute an annual schedule of contacts, events and programs to identify and connect with prospects and move them through a systematic process that leads to new members. Keeping undergrads focused and on-task, helping them learn from successes and failures, and encouraging all members to take advantage of online training and resources available through our recruitment partner Phired Up will drive chapter success.

Membership Coaches work with the new member educator to develop/update and implement the new member education program. Triangle has a standardized program available to follow that many chapters now use. New member education produces the men who will be leading the chapter in years to come, so should be informing, inspiring and provide important information and skills that result in capable, competent brothers. Skills in motivation, education, facilitating, and mentoring are helpful here. Applicable risk management policies are part of the orientation for all volunteers.

Faculty Advisors are usually members of the university faculty or staff. They work as a liaison with the university to help students with any contacts they may need and should educate the chapter on resources the university provides to support students. Academic support, such as study skills, time management, test taking skills, etc. and career support, such as interview skills, resume review, etc. can be helpful to students. Additionally, knowledge of health resources for areas such as mental health, substance abuse, eating disorders, etc. should be known by chapter leaders. Finally, at some chapters the faculty advisor serves on the scholarship committee and may help with scholarship selection, or intervention with men struggling with their academic success.

Additional Possibilities: For chapters lucky enough to have more volunteer interest than the positions above, consider adding a coach for risk management, academic success, philanthropy/service/PR, or career preparation. HQ staff will be happy to work with alumni to find the best fit for them and the active group.

NOTE: All alumni volunteers are expected to complete an online orientation process to learn about Triangle’s national structure, volunteer responsibilities and working with students. In addition we expect all volunteers to complete our national online risk education program Tightrope. These require a total of about three hours time.

Program / Position of Interest

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