National  Awards


Triangle’s National Awards recognize active chapters for their accomplishments, improvements, and achievements while individual students, alumni, and volunteers are honored for their leadership, dedication, and service to the fraternity. National awards are divided into two groups- Chapter Awards and Individual Awards.


Chapter of the Year
The achievement of scholarship, leadership, service, and brotherhood is the ultimate goal of the fraternal experience. Triangle National Fraternity will be proud to recognize the chapter that excels in all of the award areas, especially in the five areas of scholarship, programming, leadership, philanthropy/community service, and the promotion of brotherhood.

2024: Louisville
2023: MSOE
2022: Michigan State
2021: No award given
2020: Iowa State
2019: Ohio State
2018: Michigan
2017: Michigan

Outstanding Chapter Operations
There are several pieces that go into making a fraternity successful. The Outstanding Chapter Operations Award recognizes the chapter that has the structure in place to offer an organized, nd holistic fraternal experience for its members.

2024: Iowa State
2023: Wisconsin
2022: Michigan State
2021: Iowa State
2020: No award given
2019: Michigan
2018: Penn State Behrend
2017: Ohio State

Outstanding Recruitment & Retention by a Chapter
Recruitment is the lifeblood of our organization. Chapters that strive to recruit a higher quantity and quality of members into their chapters flourish. Recruitment should be the responsibility of every member and should occur 365 days a year.

The recipient of the Outstanding Recruitment & Retention by Chapter Award facilitates a recruitment program in which chapter values are exemplified through chapter events and all members of the chapter are engaged in the recruitment of new members. Additionally, the chapter works hard to ensure that potential new members are aware of the requirements and expectations which will assist in the retention of all new members.

2024: Ohio State
2023: Iowa State
2022: VPI
2021: Cincinnati
2020: Michigan State
2019: Minnesota
2018: Michigan
2017: Kentucky

National Involvement by a Chapter
The Outstanding National Involvement by a Chapter Award recognizes a chapter who is engaged with the National Fraternity through open communication, attendance at National events, and participating in National programs.

2024: Iowa State
2023: Ohio State
2022: Toledo
2021: Minnesota
2020: Minnesota
2019: Louisville
2018: Michigan, Penn State Behrend
2017: Minnesota

The Kahlert Academic Excellence Awards
As with most fraternal organizations, academic achievement serves as a core value and founding principle of Triangle Fraternity and should be a primary focus for both the chapter and the individual. While it is acknowledged that Triangle active chapters have a myriad of membership responsibilities it is important to recognize the most important responsibility to not only Triangle, but to self, chapter, and community: academics.

The Triangle Education Foundation with the generous support of the Kahlert Foundation will recognize chapter’s academic achievements annually in two categories: Outstanding Academic Excellence (Highest GPA), and Most Improved Academic Excellence.

This award is accompanied by a cash prize.

2024: 1st: Michigan, 2nd: Michigan Tech, 3rd: Wisconsin, Most Improved: Minnesota
2023: 1st: Michigan and Pittsburgh (tie), 2nd: Ohio State, 3rd: Wisconsin, Most Improved: Louisville
2022: 1st: Pittsburgh, 2nd: Ohio State, 3rd: Michigan State, Most Improved: Michigan State
2021: 1st: Michigan Tech, 2nd: Illinois, 3rd: Pittsburgh, Most Improved: Cal Poly Pomona
2020: 1st: Washington, 2nd: Cincinnati, 3rd: Rose Tech, Most Improved: Iowa State
2019: 1st: Ohio State, 2nd: Georgia Tech, 3rd: VPI, Most Improved: Kansas State
2018: 1st: Ohio State, 2nd: Wisconsin, 3rd: Michigan Tech, Most Improved: Ohio State
2017: 1st: Kentucky, 2nd: Michigan, 3rd: Ohio State, Most Improved: Ohio State

Outstanding Risk Reduction & Education
An effective Risk Management Program is essential to any chapter’s survival. The recipient of this award has established a program that successfully balances the many risks involved in the day-to-day functions of running a fraternity.

2024: MSOE
2023: Iowa State
2022: Iowa State
2021: Penn State Behrend
2020: Iowa State
2019: Ohio State
2018: South Dakota Mines, Colorado State
2017: Cincinnati

Outstanding Campus Involvement
An integral part of being Greek is recognizing our ability to affect change within the community in which we live. By choosing to become involved in activities outside of our regular chapter activities we are doing our part to strengthen the community, the campus, and the positive image of Greeks as contributors to the betterment of our community.

2024: Minnesota
2023: Michigan State
2022: South Dakota Mines
2021: Toledo
2020: Penn State Behrend
2019: Kansas
2018: Kansas, Penn State Behrend, South Dakota Mines
2017: Oklahoma
2016: Armour, Georgia Tech, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Penn State
2015: Cincinnati, Clemson, Georgia Tech, Kansas, South Dakota Mines
2014: Cincinnati, Kentucky, Penn State, Virginia Commonwealth
2013: California, Cincinnati, Colorado State, Pittsburgh, Rose Tech, Virginia Commonwealth
2012: Marquette, Minnesota, Penn State, Pittsburgh
2011: Armour, Marquette, Pittsburgh, Rose Tech
2010: Rose Tech
2009: Louisville, Toledo
2008: Louisville, RIT, Rose Tech
2007: Kansas State

Outstanding Philanthropy & Service by a Chapter
As fraternity men, it is important for us to never lose sight of the fact that our able minds, hearts, and hands can make wonderful things happen for our community, both locally and nationally. Triangle Fraternity is proud to recognize a chapter who has demonstrated the most comprehensive and interactive community service and philanthropic giving to their communities.

2024: Kentucky
2023: Wisconsin
2022: Wisconsin
2021: Kentucky
2020: Wisconsin
2019: Louisville, Michigan
2018: Louisville, Michigan
2017: Oklahoma
2016: Armour, Cal Poly Pomona, Kansas, Kentucky, Penn State, South Dakota Mines
2015: Armour, Cincinnati, Clemson, Kansas, MSOE, UC Irvine
2014: Clemson, Virginia Commonwealth
2013: Armour, California, Colorado State, Cincinnati, Louisville, Marquette, Pittsburgh, Virginia Commonwealth
2012: Armour, Louisville, Marquette, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Toledo
2011: Marquette, Pittsburgh, Rose Tech
2010: Louisville, RIT, Rose Tech
2009: Houston, Kansas State, Minnesota, Toledo
2008: Armour, Kansas State, Louisville, MSOE, RIT
2007: Armour, Kansas State, Kentucky, RIT

Chapter President of the Year
Awarded to a chapter president who not only fulfilled the responsibilities of his position but led with integrity and values through even the most challenging situations.

2024: Gabriel Lipps msu22
2023: Deepansh Agarwal msoe19
2022: Shane W. C. Jost ucsd22
2021: Greyson Meyers msu18
2020: Noah T. Cribelar ky17
2019: Connor D. Gronski sdm16
2018: Stormy H. Ford kan15
2017: Kristian K. Dehaan mom14

Senior of the Year
Awarded to a senior member who has remained actively involved and engaged within their chapter and who has served as a role model or mentor to younger members.

2024: Steven Egnaczyk os21, Ethan Rosonke is20
2023: Joshua C. Wortman neb19
2022: Aidan Stone mom19
2021: Brenden Post tol18
2020: Zachary D. Moore ky16
2019: Nikolas T. Hill mich16
2018: Nathan D. Nash csu13
2017: James A. Coller mich13

Brother of the Year
Awarded to the brother who clearly lives the values of the Code of Ethics of Triangle through his daily actions.

2024: Jacob Mobley pur23
2023: Connor R. Grossnickle wis19
2022: Maxwell Clausius tol19
2021: Thomas C. Balaj os17
2020: Daniel D. Groess mtu16

Executive Board Member of the Year
Awarded to an individual who most recently served on his chapter’s executive board and who made a lasting impact that contributed to the success of the chapter.

2024: Garrett Wattawa uw22
2023: Nicholas Huetteman mtu21
2022: Evan B. Elliott tol19
2021: Logan M. Crawfis tol19
2020: Brenden Post tol18
2019: Leyzer D. Carrera minn15
2018: Conner M. Daniel clem15
2017: Trevor D. Cooper ok16

Chapter Advisor of the Year
The Chapter Advisor of the Year Award recognizes an involved advisor who is vital to the success of a chapter and the Fraternity. One of the major factors in a chapter’s long-term success is the commitment and influence of a talented chapter advisor and this award provides recognition for such an individual for his contributions to a chapter within the past academic year.

2024: Christopher J. Gust msoe12
2023: David R. Schwickerath is68
2022: Mark D. Bowman pur71
2021: Joseph A. Kay IV os13
2020: Culin A. Thompson kan13
2019: James A. Coller mich13
2018: Culin A. Thompson kan13
2017: Ryan M. Sunyak tol10
2017: Cary Laxer rose88asc
2013: Mark D. Bowman pur71
2013: Bernadette Friedrich (Michigan State)

Outstanding Engineer, Architect, Scientist
The Oustanding Engineer, Architect, Scientist Award was created to recognize the time and effort given by an undergraduate to his academic discipline. The award emphasizes the attributes of an undergraduate’s commitment to his major during his college career.

2024: Ramsey Smith pitt22
2023: Samuel P. Duckworth os21
2022: Benjamin D. Eder tol18
2021: Michael A. Hilyard tol18
2020: Steven C. Lee kan17
2019: Nikolas M. Pardoe minn16
2018: S. Reese Allison clem15
2017: Brian M. Jameson mom16

Living Your Values Award

This award has been established to recognize the active or alumnus who best exemplifies Triangle’s values and mission through their day-to-day actions.

2024: Gabriel Bayse is21, Darrell C. Samuels pur74
2023: Owen Petrich wis21, Lucas M. Schloemp mtu20
2022: Ben J. Johnson is19
2021: James F. Lindle lou80, Connor R. Mears msu18
2020: Camden L. Capps kan15
2018: C. Matthew Pulley lou04, Adam Roder msoe02
2017: Leo J. Glass neb03, Jake Hoppert msu10</span

Outstanding Service/Philanthropy by an Individual

This award has been established to recognize the active member who shows exemplary efforts in community service or philanthropy, going above and beyond in his personal service or fundraising initiatives.

2024: Ryan Wilson is23
2023: Darwin Yu ucsd22
2022: Connor J. Patton rose21
2021: David M. Gunger is19
2020: Benjamin Tentis kan19
2019: Kyle A. Godfrey psb16
2018: Jacob P. Harding kan17

Compass of Character

The Compass of Character Award is given by Triangle headquarters staff to honor the oft-unsung heroes that help illuminate the way to being better brothers, fraternity men, and citizens. Each year, up to three students are selected to receive this recognition for the impact they have made to Triangle at the local or national level.

2024: Andrew Morin pur22 | Cullen White is21 | Nolan Zimmerman is22

2023: Steven Egnaczyk os21 | Ethan Rosonke is20 | Carter Salbego utah21

Triangle Founders Award
The Founders Award is reserved for the most exemplary alumni of the organization for their contributions to their profession, their community, and/or the Fraternity.

2017: Marcos D. Stocco ok93

Cap Henning ill16 Altruism Award
The Cap Henning Altruism Award is intended to recognize alumni of Triangle Fraternity who have made an exemplary contribution to a better world through one or more of the following: contribution of time and energy to an altruistic cause not related to his profession; contribution of a members time and energy using his professional skills for an altruistic cause.

Any member of Triangle may nominate a Triangle alumnus for the Cap Henning Altruism Award. The nomination shall be written and shall include a summary of the individual’s contributions.  The Cap Henning Altruism Award shall be awarded upon a majority vote by the members of the National Council.

Caspar Ferdinand “Cap” Henning ill16, the namesake of this honor,  washed dishes in order to attend the University of Illinois his freshman year.  The following year (1916), with an assist from home, he joined Triangle Fraternity.  After graduation, Cap worked for a Chicago consulting firm, and in 1923, registered at the Moody Bible Institute where he graduated four years later.  He moved careers to the Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company where he worked as a mechanical engineer.  When he retired from Manufacturers Mutual in 1965 he was the vice president of the company.  Before he retired, Cap worked at his office during the day, then after-hours at the Pacific Garden Mission and Gideons International.   The Mission served as a shelter in a rough section of Chicago.  Cap served those who attended the shelter – some homeless, some women and children, some seeking refuge because of family troubles – by giving them something to eat for free, provided a clean bed, and a fresh change of clothing.  While at the Mission, Cap ministered to the bodies, minds, and souls of those who sought shelter.  He quickly advanced to the board of Pacific Garden Mission.  Prior to his death, Cap served as Chairman of the Board of the Mission and devoted his career to serving those in need.

2024: Frederick V. Chin ill73
2022: William E. Kahlert minn46
2019: Judy and Lawrence H. Garatoni pur58
2018: James A. McShane marq65
2017: Robert M. Davidson pur61
2014: William L. Edens pur71
2014: Donald E. Knebel pur65

Certificate of Service

The Triangle Certificate of Service is presented at the discretion of National Council in acknowledgment of service in an elective or appointed national post. The first certificate was presented in 1967.

2024: Deepansh Agarwal msoe19, F. Dee Duncan ks64, Steven Egnaczyk os21, John P. Pritchard is82
2023: Joseph M. Cerrato os05, John C. Cottage, Jr. ps04, Connor R. Grossnickle wis19, Bradley N. Keller neb69, Merle Newlon III lou73
2022: Jackson Deal minn18, Seth H. Pierre is19, Joseph V. Salvucci pitt76
2021: Brian K. Jarman pur01, Bryley K. Murphy ky12, Marcus Mullins tol19, Lucas Wallace kan11
2019: Randall E. Drew rose67, Donald E. Knebel pur65, Bryley K. Murphy ky12, Kyle A. Godfrey psb16
2018: Robert A. Benziger ill61, Ryan A. Burt lou15, Monte S. Dirks sdm71, J. Steven Flannigan rose67, Nathan D. Nash csu13
2017: Gary Bodnar pur76, James A. Coller mich13, Robert G. Halgren mich05, Gerald S. Jakubowski tol74, Randy G. Kerns mom71, Jeffrey T. Weikinger tol97, David H. Yick ps64
2016: Kevin Y. Fong ucla84, Marcos D. Stocco ok93, Culin Thompson kan13
2015: Jeffrey D. Cottrell mtu94, Alexander J. Ott mtu11
2014: Dylan Lambert rose11  
2013: James Behmer pur09, Joseph M. Cerrato os05, John C. Gargani pitt82, Ryan E. Newman ky04, W. Jason Hines lou08 
2012: H. Andrew Goss lou00, Michael D. Mayer tol09  
2011: Timothy L. Eiler minn87, Chad D. Girard mtu09, Edward Jablonski hou07, Ryan C. Johnson cal09, Kevin P. Robertson marq92 
2010: Paul D. Boyle tri87, Harry V. Rossander sdm78, August Sylvain ar06
2009: Donald S. Hatfield msu88 
2008: C. Matthew Pulley lou04 
2007: Patrick W. Lindley ill05, Kurt W. Over pitt83, David W. Stack cin94 
2006: Daniel J. Guido uwm96, Shawm M. McCarroll ok04 
2005: Bret T. Feger lou86 
2004: Brian K. Jarman pur01, Merle Newlon III lou73, Christopher A. Moe is92
2003: Daniel J. Amerman mtu95 
2002: Steven M. Heitert mom81, Randy G. Kerns mom71, Robert B. Rosenberg ar55, Robert N. Bowman ps87, Jeffery P. Scott wis87 
2001: David A. Fleischhacker minn95, Michael Knittel mom96, Kurt W. Over pitt83
2000: Shawn G. Diedtrich minn90, Timothy L. Eiler minn87, Albert J. Evon ar88
1999: Matthew A. Czyzewski tol89, Gerald S. Jakubowski tol74
1998: James E. Fay is70, Merle Newlon III lou73, Robert G. Sharp pur51
1997: Steven M. Heitert mom81
1996: Omar G. Hernandez nu75, James A. Sands os80
1995: Richard P. Harris ks82, Paul S. King tol77
1994: Stephen W. Scott csu74, Bradley N. Keller neb69
1993: Robert D. Hoel ar67, Richard L. Overman pur65, Jeffrey P. Scott wis87, Kevin Y. Fong ucla84
1992: John R. Wyatt mich76, Toledo Active Organization
1991: Charles L. Hett ks64 
1990: Michael D. Hicks ks76, Randy G. Kerns mom71, John R. Serpa vpi78pitt, Bradley N. Keller neb69
1989: James R. Marshall pur65
1988: Carl P. Meglan os56, Kenneth W. Quayle III csu71
1987: H. Samuel Bruner kan76, Wesley C. Herbol ar52, T.J. Oman uwm86, David C. Jordan rose69, Joel L. Gauthier mich62, Stephen E. Powell pur78
1986: James M. Kincaid III csu70, Gerald S. Jakubowski tol74  
1985: Gifford H. Albright ps52, Rufus A. Brown miss71
1984: Merritt Williamson ps56, Randy G. Kerns mom71
1983: Joseph A. Boyd ky39, Ellison S. Onizuka colo69
1982: William R. McGovern marq55, Walter Hanson ill49 (Associate), James G. Smith wis39, Roger Sampson minn53, Robert S. Mayo ar23, Mark Handzel ill80
1981: James R. Marshall pur65, Bradley N. Keller pur69
1977: James M. Wood pur09, Edward Alan Bischoff os53  
1976: Jerald C. Thompson sdm58, Edward F. Sowell ucla61, James F. Wolff minn43, Howard H. Darbo wis29, Harold Kennedy marq43
1975: Elias M. Sabbagh pur35 (Associate), Robert B. Rosenberg ar55, Theodore J. Hodan marq58, Thomas R. Schoenauer marq56 
1974: George D. Moon cin57 (Associate), William C. Keeran nu37,  Robert C. Deen ky48
1973: William J. Kingston cor48,  Frank W. Schumann ky42, Michael D. McDonnell mich64
1972: Chester E. Kuhn kan72  
1971: Thomas L. McReynolds ky44, Glenn W. Snagel pur45
1970: Warner Ohman pur39  
1968: E. Harlan Gellhaus sdm57, William G. Dunn wis41, Robert M. Ohlenkamp minn42, Norman J. Bukey cin24  
1967: David H. Bulman cl54cor 


Certificate of Appreciation

The Triangle Certificate of Appreciation is presented in appreciation of services rendered to the National Organization of Triangle. At the discretion of National Council, this award may be given to a non-member upon the completion of satisfactory service as a Triangle staff member, event speaker, or other position serving Triangle; to a Triangle chapter or association or other organization that has performed significant services to the National Organization; to a Triangle member who has made a significant contribution to the National Organization, but who is not considered eligible for a Certificate of Service.

2021: Mark E. Tolliver ill70
2017: Scott Bova
2016: Kent T. Hoffman ar07 and Brandon Montalvo marq10
2008: Timothy L. Eiler minn87, Andrew J. Severance wis05, A.J. Sylvain ar06
2007: Bradley N. Keller neb69, Frank Caplan, Jr. cor42, Charles L. Hett ks64, Robert J. Mosborg ill45, Merle Newlon III lou73, Eugene J.
                Rezabeck ar47, Jeffrey P. Scott wis87, Richard H. Sudheimer minn52
2006: Timothy L. Eiler minn87, Scott Bova, Randall E. Drew rose67, David A. Fleischhacker minn95, Robert G. Halgren mich05, Kevin P.
                Robertson marq92
2003: Dr. Bruce Walcott
2000: Daniel J. Guido uwm96
1997: Elizabeth Eiler

Triangle Service Key
The Triangle Service Key is for pre-eminent work in developing the National Organization of Triangle in one or more elective or appointed national posts.  The criterion is that of molding the character of the Fraternity and the members, and not that of finance or numerical expansion.  This is the highest award given for national service.

The member’s service must have been clearly outstanding, not merely long-lasting, and must have had a positive effect on individual members and on the Fraternity as a whole.  Proposed by Alan C. Rockwood ia22, the award consists of a distinctive gold key and a certificate signed by the National President and the National Secretary.

2017: James A. McShane marq65, Alex P. Ver ar65
2013: Charles M. Lampman pur58, John K. Malmquist wis72
2011: James H. Jones cin53, Edward W. Wedbush cin50, A. Robert Brooks ps51
2008: Bradley N. Keller neb69
2007: Randall E. Drew rose67
2003: Arthur C. Moeller marq49, Kevin Y. Fong ucla84
1999: Richard F. Beaubien mich64
1997: Thomas E. Schoenauer marq56, Park W. Gast, Jr. cin49
1995: Gerald S. Jakubowski tol74, Randy G. Kerns mom71, James R. Marshall pur65
1994: Robert D. Hoel ar67
1991: Chauncey A. Fahey wis48, Merle Newlon III lou73
1990: Charles S. Barbour ps43
1987: Robert B. Rosenberg ar55
1985: Eugene J. Rezabeck ar47
1983: Robert C. Deen ky48
1982: Robert J. Mosborg ill45
1981: Robert M. Hamlett ar61ks
1979: Richard H. Sudheimer minn52
1977: William H. Krack pur33
1975: Theodore B. Jefferson kan30
1974: Norman J. Bukey cin24
1973: John Merrill Weed os21
1972: Howard H. Darbo wis29
1971: John J. Bresee ill19
1968: Frank Caplan, Jr. cor42
1967: Ikel C. Benson minn25
1966: John W. Mercer os24
1965: John R. Adriansen marq41
1962: Harold Kennedy marq43
1961: Edward Larson cin22, Frank W. Vogt ill17
1957: William R. Brown os33
1955: Herbert F. Scobie minn32
1952:  John J. Schlenk minn22
1951: Harold H. Layritz cin21
1950: Charles R. Little pur23
1949: John F. H. Douglas marq37 (Honorary)
1948: Chris A. Wiepking wis18
1947: E. Paul Reichard cin23
1946: Frank T. Sheets ill11
1945: Irvin D. Mayer pur14
1944: William H. Smith ps28
1943: Alan C. Rockwood ia22
1941: Lindon S. Gaston pur17
1940: Daniel W. Mead wis14 (National Honorary)
1939: Irving M. Clicquenoi pur09
1938: Frederick G. Higbee ia22 (Honorary)
1936: C. Vernon Potter os11
1935: C. Norman Beggs ill18
1932: Harry H. Burgess ill08
1931: Louis W. Bruck pur09
1930: Frederick N. Schustedt wis13
1929: Max A. Berns ill08
1928: Edward E. Bauer ill16
1927: Luster R. Kleinknight pur16
1926: Arthur Schwerin ill07
1925: Willard A. Knapp ill08 (Associate)

Order of the Transit
The Order of the Transit is conferred for pre-eminent work in developing a Triangle chapter or association. The criterion is that of molding the character of the chapter and its members, and not that of finance or numerical expansion. The member’s service must have been clearly outstanding, not merely long-lasting, and must have had a positive effect on individual members and on the chapter or association as a whole.

The Order of the Transit was created by National Council in 1997 to serve as a counterpart for the Triangle Service Key. This is the highest national award given for local service.

2017: Gary N. Bodnar pur76 (nominated by Cincinnati Chapter)
2013: Thomas E. Mulinazzi kan86
2012: Robert M. Petrick pitt85 
2010: Cary Laxer rose88 (Associate)
2006: George R. Griffin ok78
2003: Robert Patten ar01
1998: Leonard J. Staab marq50

Ellison Onizuka Young Alumnus Award
The Ellison Onizuka Young Alumnus Award was created to highlight how hard work and dedication lead to success, not simply time.  The Onizuka Award – named after Triangle Fraternity brother Ellison S. Onizuka colo69 who flew on the space shuttle Discovery in 1985 and lost his life in the Challenger accident January 1986 – is awarded to members of Triangle who have received outstanding acknowledgement in such fields of engineering, architecture, the sciences, industry, government, etc. by virtue of this having enhanced the prestige of Triangle.  Recipients of this had to have achieved this success within twenty years after their initiation to Triangle Fraternity.

2022: C. Matthew Pulley lou04
2021: Jacob J. Rausch tol12
2020: Stephen Wu os16
2018: Matthew J. Sharritt marq99
2017: David S. Fisher rose98, Gabriel J. Ferland rose93, Zarrell T. Gray pur86
2016: Kyle R. Robertson is01
2014: Matthew T. Ostanik is97 
2011: Isabelo B. Aala niu90, Darshan Shah csu89  
2010: James L. Kaboski wis87, Joseph Wendel rose92
2009: Michael S. Butler marq93
2008: Ronald E. Nikel cin88
2006: Kevin R. Manley ill88, Michael S. Morhaime ucla85

Outstanding Alumnus Award
The Outstanding Alumnus Award is presented to members of Triangle in acknowledgement of their having rendered significant service to a Triangle chapter or association in such fields as expansion, finance, organization, or counseling, and by virtue of individual supervision of collective efforts or personal dedication of their time and talents have promoted the objectives of the Fraternity.  We’d like to congratulate and recognize the following alumni for earning the Outstanding Alumnus Award.

2023: Robert L. Boehler marq75 
2022: Edward W. Hand ill92, Keith B. Lewitzke ill76
2021: Christopher A. Moe is92, John R. Gould is66 
2018: John P. Pritchard is82 
2017: Mark D. Bowman pur71, Richard A. Rezek pur78 
2015: Russell A. Zimmerman rose67 (nominated by FAU Colony)
2006: Kevin C. O’Gorman rose00 
2003: James F. Lindle lou80, Park W. Gast Jr. cin49, John H. Phillips cin78, Brian H. Pickering cin75, Dirk A. Richards cin80, Thomas J. Richey cin75, Edward P.H. Spencer cin70
1999: Charles A. Rice ok79, Michael F. Rogers ar79 
1998: Robert L. Folz pur81 
1995: Kurt W. Over pitt83  
1993: Leonard J. Staab marq50
1989: John R. Clifton os30, Steven K. Hamilton tol73, Paul S. King tol77, Mark A. Knapp tol74
1986: Dale A. Lieb pitt71 
1983: John B. Lowe os64, Otho W. Merrell os19, Douglas S. Dachenbach os62, James R. Marshall pur65
1982: Robert C. Deen ky48, Omar G. Hernandez nu75, Bradley N. Keller neb69, Jesse F. Core ps34, Joel L. Gauthier mich62, Richard F. Beaubien mich64, Allen Davis mich67, Carl P. Cronk mich63
1981: Edward Alan Bischoff os53 
1980: Robert N. Waid os11, Harry Engstrom wis66, Ronald Aschenbrenner wis62, Robert G. Wolfe os36, Walter A. Swenberg msoe77, Joseph R. Smart os19 
1979: Howard H. Darbo wis29, Robert D. Hoel ar67  
1978: Harold Dawson os31 
1977: A. Robert Brooks ps51, Richard I. Markwart ar64, Dennis J. McNally marq62 
1976: Gene R. Strehlow msoe68 
1975: Thomas R. Schoenauer marq56, Theodore J. Hodan marq58, Robert B. Rosenberg ar55
1974: David E. Carpenter mom69, Thomas L. McReynolds ky44, David C. Young nu58, Floyd M. Cunningham mom70 (Associate), Paul T. Dowling mom37, Robert A. Vogt mom43
1973: John Richard Duff cin52, George T. Oberklein cin25, Charles Edward Bischoff os25
1972: Arthur H. Dierker os23 
1971: Francis X. Jacoby, Jr. marq56, Franklin Dee Duncan ks64
1970: John Merrill Weed os21, William J. Kingston cor48
1969: Robert J. Cash sdm57, Donald J. Schuster marq44 
1968: Robert N. Waid os11, Michael R. Harris okst64, H. Jack Allison okst64 (Associate), Clinton K. Hoffman ky24, Elias M. Sabbagh pur35 (Associate)  
1967: John W. Mercer os24, William G. Deas cin39 
1965: James A. Bonin marq54, Robert C. Deen ky48, Ferdinand G. Seulberger nu59 (Honorary), Ernest Wilson Carlton mom31 (Honorary) 
1964: George Zavodny, Jr. ar45 
1963: Oscar M. Olsen mom44, Frank W. Vogt ill17, Russell C. Powers minn38, Gifford H. Albright ps52 
1961: Frank Caplan, Jr. cor42, John D. Powell mom44,  Leslie L. Andrus pur21, Patrick J. Clark marq54

Triangle Distinguished Alumni Citation
The Triangle Distinguished Alumni Citation (formerly known as the Triangle Citation) is awarded to Triangle brothers in acknowledgment of achieving outstanding honorable recognition in such fields as engineering, architecture, science, education, industry, government, and like by virtue of having enhanced the prestige of Triangle.  Triangle Fraternity would like to recognize and congratulate the following brothers.

2024: Jeffrey J. Basso msoe89, Kevin P. Robertson marq92
2022: Ronald E. Barr marq67, Warren J. Deatrick ky54
2021: Michael H. O’Connor marq74
2019: Dennis G. Wellen ps70, F. Dee Duncan ks64, Robert D. Hostetler pur62
2018: John K. Kerin ar81
2013: Wayne F. Echelberger sdm54, John D. Santi marq50
2012: Randy G. Kerns mom71, Daniel D. Mickelson nu59 
2011: Edward T. Shonsey marq64, John C. Gargani pitt82, Joseph V. Salvucci pitt76
2010: John G. Vondras neb66, Roman A. Jamrogiewicz pur71, Bernard L. Hoogestraat sdm53, John M. Storm pur73, Donald E. Knebel pur65
2009: Carl D. Bhame cin53, James H. Rust pur56, Robert T. Henson pur33, Peter H. Mesha ill75, Robert B. Nagel pur57, Dr. Robert B. Rosenberg ar55 
2008: James E. Schier ky66, Theodore S. Rappaport pur80,  Ronald J. Swofford ill51
2007: George M. Kunkel ucla60, Raymond J. Ikola mich59, Michael J. Wallace marq68, J. Kenneth Driessen marq53,  Gifford H. Albright ps52 
1987: Ellison S. Onizuka colo69 
1983: Jay S. Hammond ps41
1968: Stothe P. Kezios ar58 (Honorary) 
1967: Richard B. Morrison mich58 (Honorary) 
1964:  Daniel V. Terrell ky20 (Honorary) 
1963: Maynard P. Venema ar29 
1961: Frederick R. Kappel minn23 

Wall of Fame

In 1995, National Council established the Triangle Wall of Fame, an ongoing project to recognize our members who have received widespread acknowledgment of success within their chosen fields. The Wall of Fame is intended to honor successful members and serve as a motivation for Triangle members to reach new highs in their respective fields. Triangle Fraternity is proud of the achievements of these brothers and will continue to recognize and celebrate our members who are making significant contributions in their professional and private careers.

Richard H. Sudheimer Interfraternal Leadership Award


The Richard H. Sudheimer Interfraternal Leadership Award is intended to recognize significant contributions by non-members of Triangle Fraternity to the betterment of the interfraternal movement. Candidates include, but are not limited to, Greek advisors, university administrators, faculty members, fraternity and sorority staff members, suppliers and vendors, and parents.

Nomination Process
A nomination may be submitted by a Triangle staff member, National Council member, Triangle Education Foundation member, chapter alumni officer, or a majority vote of the active organization of any Triangle chapter.

The nomination shall be written and shall include a summary of the individual’s contributions to the interfraternal world.

Award Process
The award shall be given upon a majority vote by the members of National Council. The National President or his designee shall present the award in a manner that is fitting and appropriate. Notice of the award shall be placed in Triangle Review and delivered to each chapter and alumni organization to be read and recorded.

Triangle Fraternity Academy of Inventors


The new Triangle Fraternity Academy of Inventors recognizes Triangle Brothers for their contributions to society and the world through their inventions. There are three levels of membership:

  1. Member – 1 to 4 patents
  2. Distinguished Member – 5 or more patents
  3. Distinguished Fellow – at least 3 patents, but based on overall impact of patent/s to the betterment of society

Membership at all levels is open to living and deceased Brothers and to all members, including Chapter Honorary members. Members and Distinguished members are automatically enrolled upon confirmation of the number of patents in their name. Distinguished Fellows will be elected by the National Council and limited to two per year.

Did You Know That a Triangle Brother…


Was a Space Shuttle crew member: 
Ellison Onizuka colo69 flew on Discovery as a mission specialist in January 1985 and lost his life in the Challenger accident in January 1986. The United States Air Force’s Onizuka Air Station was located in Sunnyvale, CA. (The station is now closed). An episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation mentions a (fictional) shuttlecraft named after Brother Onizuka.

Won a medal in Olympic Games:
Frank R. McCabe marq50 was a member of the U.S. Olympic basketball squad which won the gold medal in 1952.

Was the first person to communicate by telephone via satellite:
Fred R. Kappel minn23 was the first speaker by Telstar, in a phone conversation with President Johnson.

Served as two-term governor of Wyoming:
Jim Geringer ks64 served as governor of Wyoming from 1995 to 2003.

Served as two-term governor of Alaska:
Jay Hammond ps41 served as Governor of Alaska from 1975 to 1983.

Was Chairman, President, and CEO of Shell Oil Company:
Steven L. Miller ill64 held these positions from 1999 to 2002. He began his career with Shell in 1967.

Ran a leading manufacturer of computer hardware in the United States:
Edward McCracken is64 was president and CEO of Silicon Graphics, whose graphics computers are used for everything from animation in Star Wars to car modeling at GM.

Served as Chairman of the Board of AT&T:
Fred R. Kappel minn23 held this position from 1962 to 1969.

Co-founded one of the leading computer game companies in the United States:
Michael Morhaime ucla85 is co-founder and President of Blizzard Entertainment, maker of the popular Warcraft and Diablo computer games.

Wrote for Encyclopedia Britannica:
Robert S. Mayo ar24 wrote much of the entry for tunneling in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Stood on the South Pole:
Forrest L. Dowling wis60 was one of 11 Americans who reached the South Pole overland in January 1961.

Discovered an ancient Inca city:
Reinaldo Chohfi ucla85 has been credited with the discovery of Maranpampa, a large Inca city in Peru.

Was given the first Distinguished Service Medal awarded in Korea:
Robert B. Martin pur24 was awarded the decoration in 1951.

Watched the test of the first Atomic Bomb:
Richard Conklin ill44 and several other Triangles worked on the Manhattan Project and witnessed the test of the first atom bomb.

Served as president of two steel companies:
Tom Graham lou45 has served as president of USX and of Armco Steel in Ohio. He has also served as chairman of the board of AK Steel.

National Headquarters Address

120 S. Center Street
Plainfield, IN 46168
P | (317) 837-9640
F | (317) 837-9642

Office Hours

Monday through Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Eastern)

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