SAVE THE DATE! July 31 – August 3, 2025 | Dayton, Ohio
Event Overview
The Herbert F. Scobie Leadership School, better known as Scobie or HSLS, is a centerpiece of Triangle’s educational programs. Scobie is a four-day leadership institute held in odd-numbered summers.
Programming is geared towards Triangle’s emerging leaders and provides them with introductory leadership skills they can build upon and refine through their chapter and campus experiences. Each active chapter is required to send two delegates and colonies one delegate, but all active members are welcomed to attend. Costs for participants are low, as much of the expense is subsidized by educational grants from the Triangle Education Foundation and from annual chapter funds to pre-pay Scobie and Convention expenses.
Scobie is a fun, exciting, and engaging leadership program that will allow participants to apply the curriculum to their everyday lives in the chapter, on campus and in their communities. Choose your attendees wisely; Scobie has the ability to energize and inspire members to be their best! For more information, contact us at hq@triangle.org.
Registration & Pricing
Herb Scobie Leadership School is held at a college campus, so registration includes residence hall accommodation and meals from campus catering. The first meal of Scobie is dinner on Thursday evening. The final meal is breakfast on Sunday morning before departure. Transportation is not reimbursed, but many chapters budget to provide some allowance to their participants.
Scobie costs are subsidized in two ways:
1. A portion of the delegate registration fee is paid from the Chapter Fee you pay annually. This covers two delegates per chapter and one per colony. Additional attendees will pay a higher fee.
2. The additional share of costs are qualified educational expenses which can be paid from National Education Fees collected annually. Chapters with Chapter Endowment Funds (CEF) can pay their National Education Fee from their CEF proceeds to lower the cost of membership to active members.
Should your chapter not have a CEF and would like to start one, please contact Foundation President, Scott Bova, at sbova@triangle.org.
Total costs per attendee average $740*
Approximately $500 is covered by Education Foundation and Chapter Fees
Triangle Fraternity invests approximately $170 per person
Individual Attendee registration fees cover the remaining $65 (students registering after 4/30 pay $100 to register)
* Each chapter is expected to send two delegates; each colony – one delegate. Additional attendees, beyond the two expected from each chapter and one expected from each colony will be expected to pay a larger portion of the costs. The exact amount is determined based on the actual costs of additional attendees (room, board, etc.) and is listed on the event registration site.
Ask your school if there are funds available to help you attend. Many campuses have leadership education funds from the office of the Dean of Students, the campus IFC or Greek Life office, or from Student Government or Activity Funds. Ask your campus Greek advisor or Dean of Students what may be available to you.
Not sure if your group has a Chapter Endowment Fund? Check the listings below! And remember if your group DOES have a CEF, be sure to contact HQ prior to registration to receive a discount code to reduce your registration price. If your group DOES NOT have a CEF, contact Scott Bova at sbova@triangle.org to learn how you can start one today!
Groups With CEF Funds
Cal Poly-Pomona
Colorado State
Iowa State
Michigan State
Michigan Tech
Missouri Mines
Ohio State
Penn State
Penn State-Behrend
SD Mines
Groups Without CEF Funds
Groups With Special Funding Available
VA Tech
Groups Eligible for Special Funding
When should I arrive?
Driving | All participants should plan to arrive no later than 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 31. This will allow enough time to check-in, pick-up educational materials, receive your room assignment, and settle in before the Opening Session at 4:00 p.m.
Additional details with driving directions will be shared in an email closer to the event date.
Flying | All flights should be scheduled for you to land to be able to make it to campus by 2:00pm. Campus is about 25 minutes from the airport, so please plan accordingly. We will provide transportation for you from the airport to UD’s campus on Thursday, and back to the airport on Sunday.
To help us identify you at the airport, please wear a Triangle shirt, sweatshirt, or hat so that you are visible.
The Dayton Airport and University of Dayton are in the Eastern time zone.
Are meals provided?
Yes! Dinner will be provided Thursday. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided Friday and Saturday. Breakfast will be served Sunday before the close of the event.
Lunch will not be provided Thursday – only dinner. Please plan to eat prior to arriving at HSLS.
What should I pack?
- Casual clothes: Collared shirts, t-shirts, shorts, and other casual attire are the norm throughout HSLS. There will be outdoor activities and building, and the weather can be hot and humid. Dress to impress with your casual attire. Avoid bringing clothes that are faded, torn, or looks old.
- Closed Toe Shoes: Please pack a pair of closed toe shoes (gym shoes are fine) for outdoor activities.
- Water Bottle: Stay hydrated by bringing your own refillable water bottle from home.
- Bath Towel: Please pack towels; UD will provide bed linens and pillows but does not provide towels. If you want to bring your own pillow and bed linens to create the comfort from home, feel free to do so.
- Items to Trade: Pack your t-shirts, recruitment brochures, academic programs, risk management materials, etc. to swap with other participants.
- Medicines: We will be spending time outdoors. If you have allergies, you’ll want to make sure you’ve packed your medicine.
- Misc: Sunscreen, earplugs (in case you are bunked with someone who snores), a phone charger, extra pens/pencils might not hurt!
What shouldn’t I bring?
- Alcohol or other illegal substances. This is a substance-free event. Violators will be removed from the institute immediately, sent home at their own expense, and their chapter advisor and College Dean will be notified.
- Firearms or fireworks. University policies prohibit these on the premises.
- A bad attitude.
What should I expect?
To meet Triangle member from across the United States!
Early morning and late nights. We start programming early in the morning and have many late nights.
Substance-free environment. There is no time, room, or need for alcohol or other illegal substances. HSLS begins the moment you arrive at the Dayton Airport (or arrival at the campus for those driving). Alcohol or other illegal substances are not allowed. Any violators will be sent home immediately at their own expense.
No boring lectures. Expect lots of large and small group interaction. Attend with the idea that you will be an active participant in activities. Prepare to challenge yourself.
3 meals a day. Most of our meals will be in the student union. Staff makes an effort to provide a varied menu for guests. If you indicated a special dietary need when you registered for HSLS we have communicated that to UD Dining Services.
Suite-style lodging. You will be rooming with 3 other Triangles and sharing a bathroom. All suites have air conditioning and private bathrooms.
Triangle alumni. Triangle Fraternity is committed to bringing our undergraduates the best in their field when it comes to leadership development. We are pleased to welcome several distinguished Triangle alumni who you will see throughout the event.
You didn’t answer my question…
Didn’t see the answer to your question? Please contact Triangle Headquarters at (317) 837-9640 or email hq@triangle.org.