Triangle National Council
National Council acts as the executive and judicial body of the Fraternity. Council consists of the Executive Committee (immediate past president, president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer), six additional alumni or associate members and one undergraduate who is appointed to the Active Councilman position. Each year, the President and Vice President are elected for a one-year term and two other members of National Council are elected for two-year terms. Secretary and Treasurer are appointed positions.
The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Fraternity. He is responsible for organizing and chairing National Council meetings and National Conventions. The Vice President is often responsible for managing the work to be done by the Committee chairs and their committees. The Treasurer is responsible for the financial records of the Fraternity. The Secretary is responsible for the minutes of National Council meetings and National Conventions and the membership records of the Fraternity.
Councilmen serve as volunteers without pay. They give of their time and talent for the benefit of Triangle.

Ryan M. Sunyak tol10
Ryan was initiated into the Toledo Chapter of Triangle in 2010. He graduated from the University of Toledo with a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2011 and from the Georgia Institute of Technology with a Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2015.
After graduating, Ryan joined the Energy business of General Electric in Greenville, South Carolina. He is currently employed by GE Renewable Energy as a Senior Engineering Manager leading the Systems Engineering team for the Onshore Wind business.
As an Alumnus, Ryan served as President of the Alumni Advisory Board for the Clemson Chapter, held multiple positions on the Toledo Alumni Board, and was a facilitator for the Leadership and Training Weekend.
Ryan joined the National Council of Triangle in 2016 serving on its Standards Committee, Finance Committee, Growth Committee, and Educational Programs Committee. He was also the founding Chairman of the Council of Emerging Leaders. Ryan currently is serving as the Vice President of National Council and Chairman of the Standards Committee.

Pete Satre os89
Vice President
Pete Satre was initiated into the Ohio State chapter in 1989, where he went on to in serve multiple officer positions, including chapter vice-president. Upon returning to the Columbus area in 2000, Pete served on the chapter alumni board and as an active adviser. He was elected to serve on National Council in 2017. He currently serves as chairman of the Communications Committee and is a member of the Finance Committee.
Brother Satre graduated from Ohio State, earning a B.S in Metallurgical Engineering. He was employed by Ford Motor Company in Cleveland, OH for 7 years before joining Allied Mineral Products, Inc. in 2000. His current position is Manager of Corporate Engineering.
He and his wife Maria live in Columbus, Ohio. They have 3 children.

Tyler Moore tol09
Tyler graduated from the University of Toledo with a Bachelors of Science in Bioengineering in 2013. He has been working for Anheuser-Busch InBev at the Houston Brewery for the past five years. There he works as a Quality Analyst overseeing the production of making beer, ranging from when grains first arrive, all the way to when pallets of beer depart the brewery.
Tyler was initiated into Triangle Fraternity at the Toledo Chapter in the Spring of 2009. While at the Toledo Chapter, Tyler first served as the Undergraduate Treasurer, before going on to serve as the Undergraduate President for nearly two years. During his time at the University of Toledo he spent a year with General Mills, Inc as a co-op, working in their Tostino’s plant in Wellston, Ohio. Upon graduating, Tyler joined the Toledo Alumni Board as the Membership Development Board President, before becoming the Alumni Secretary, holding that office until his nomination to National Council.
After arriving in Houston, Tyler began working with the Houston Chapter Alumni association, joined Triangle’s Council of Emerging Leaders, and then served as the CEL representative to the Triangle Education Foundation.
Tyler’s goals as the National Treasurer are to expand financial best practices to each Chapter of Triangle, and to work towards ensuring that no Triangle Chapter is lost to financial hardship. He believes this is possible through open and honest communication and diligent fiscal budgeting. Tyler adamantly believes in the mission of One Triangle, and hopes to continue working with the Triangle Education Foundation and the Triangle Building & Housing Corporation to foster the success of Triangle Chapters nationwide. Contact Tyler at

Stuart J. Masuda uci07
Stuart first became involved with Triangle in Winter 2007 helping to establish Triangle as an interest group at UCI. Following official colonization in Fall 2007, he was initiated as a founding father of the UCI colony that same quarter. He served as the colony’s first Internal Vice President before graduating in Spring 2008.
After graduation, he joined the organizing effort to build an alumni board and advisory team. As Alumni Secretary, he continued supporting the active organization as an advisor, all the way through to the formal installation of the UCI Chapter in Fall 2012.
Stuart has a B.S. in Chemistry. He is currently employed in the Quality Control Lab at Nitto Avecia Pharma Services in Irvine, California.

John C. Cottage ps04
Immediate Past President
John C. Cottage Jr. joined the Penn State Chapter of Triangle Fraternity in the Fall of 2003 and was initiated in the Spring of 2004. While at Penn State John served as the Undergrad President in 2007 leading the chapter in its celebration of the Centennial.
After leaving Penn State, John created a web development company with another brother from the chapter. In 2009 John took a job working for a regional high school doing desktop support and systems administration.
In 2011 John transitioned into the role of Network Administrator for the Bergen County School District and in 2013 was promoted to Network Architect. In 2017 John left public service and joined the IT consulting firm CDI, LLC where he specializes in WAN, Data Center and Network Security design.

Fareed Dibazar ucsd12
Fareed John Dibazar joined the UC-San Diego Chapter of Triangle Fraternity in the Fall of 2011 (on a dare) and was initiated Winter of 2012. While at UC-San Diego, Fareed served in a number of roles including Vice President-External, New Member Educator, and Director of Philanthropy in the undergraduate organization. As an alumnus, Fareed has served as the Active Chapter Advisor for 8 years and Vice President of the Alumni organization, including during the recent recolonization efforts at UC-San Diego.
Fareed’s desire to serve on council stems from witnessing the growth and leadership development in his own chapter’s brothers firsthand. As a warm start chapter, UCSD Triangle went through a number of growing pains and rapid expansion followed by a near-total dissolution of the chapter in just 8 years since its 2009 founding. Having rushed late in his college career (as a Junior), Fareed helped grow his chapter to successive double-digit classes in his time as an active, though not without learning harsh truths on chapter sustainability, the importance of transitions, and internal stability and development of chapter culture.
With the Chapter nearly dissolved in 2017, Fareed and a number of local alumni were able to help maintain Triangle’s presence on-campus at UCSD while recruiting what would become the recolonizing classes (with further lessons learned such as the limitations and benefits of having late 20/early 30-year-olds recruiting undergraduates). In 2022, after 4 years of attempts at a restart and starting the school year with just 1 new member, UCSD’s active colony boasted 700% growth by year’s-end. Fareed has also been integral in maintaining an alumni presence and formalizing an alumni board for the San Diego region (building one from scratch).
At convention in 2019, Fareed presented a formal plea to Nationals to assist with the Southern California chapters, particularly spurred by UCSD’s then-likely disappearance. Since then, Fareed has been plugged in with the National organization at a higher level of engagement than he himself personally expected (forgetting that he had joined the Council of Emerging Leaders in 2017). From these experiences, Fareed hopes to pass on what he has learned to help chapters prevent common mistakes of the past while also linking the greater national organization to some of the problems currently facing chapters on-the-ground.

Kevin Fong ucla84
Kevin Fong was initiated into Triangle at the UCLA Chapter in 1984 and served as Active Organization President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer before graduating with a B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering. In 1994, he created Triangle Fraternity’s first web page and was also appointed National Historian, a position he continues to hold today. He previously served on National Council from 1997 to 2016, including 15 years as National Secretary. He received the Triangle Service Key in 2003.
Kevin hopes to use his experience and skills to serve as a knowledge resource for the Triangle family, help keep the leadership accountable to the membership, and offer illumination to chapters and members on their individual journeys. He is proud to show by his presence that Triangle welcomes and supports its members who are part of the LGBTQ community.
He lives in New York City and works as a Systems Administrator for Omnicom Health Group, a marketing and communications agency.

Bob Goehring is76
Education: Iowa State University, BSCE 1978, MSCE 1981 Co-Major in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering. Rollins College – The Crummer Graduate School of Business, 1989 (The Management Program)
Employer: ECS Southeast, LLP
Occupation/Position: Consulting Engineer, Chief Engineer, Executive Vice President
Goals for Triangle: Serve on the National Council and help anyway I can to support the active chapters and enhance brotherhood within the alumni. Through recent experience as a chapter adviser for the GA Tech Colony and extensive experience leading both for-profit business groups and various non-profit groups I hope to offer a slightly different perspective and add value.

Jake Hoppert msu10
Jake Hoppert msu 10 graduated with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering in 2013, after graduation, he joined Black & Veatch as a Chemical Engineer in their Power Generation Business line where he designs power plants. While working full-time, Jake received his Master’s degree in Engineering Management and is currently a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Michigan where he lives.
As an undergraduate, Jake held multiple positions in the chapter including President and Member Educator. Additionally, Jake recruited the members of the Alpha class of Phi Sigma Rho at MSU and coordinated with Phi Sigma Rho’s national council to find volunteers to mentor and eventually install them as a chapter on campus.
As an alumnus, Jake has served as Chapter Adviser and Chairman of the MSU Triangle Membership Development Board and was a founding member of the MSU Alumni IFC. Currently, Jake serves as President of the MSU Triangle Alumni Association and on the Approved Courses Committee. Jake has alsopreviously served as Chairman of the Council of Emerging Leaders.
Finally, Jake has facilitated at more than 10 national events including facilitating Leadership and Training Weekend more than 8 times, and serving as a facilitator and lead Facilitator at Herb Scobie Leadership School
When not volunteering for Triangle, Jake serves on the Board of Trustees at his church and spends time with his two daughters and his lovely wife, who has been incredibly supportive of his volunteerism with Triangle.

Stuart J. Masuda uci07
Stuart first became involved with Triangle in Winter 2007 helping to establish Triangle as an interest group at UCI. Following official colonization in Fall 2007, he was initiated as a founding father of the UCI colony that same quarter. He served as the colony’s first Internal Vice President before graduating in Spring 2008.
After graduation, he joined the organizing effort to build an alumni board and advisory team. As Alumni Secretary, he continued supporting the active organization as an advisor, all the way through to the formal installation of the UCI Chapter in Fall 2012.
Stuart has a B.S. in Chemistry. He is currently employed in the Quality Control Lab at Nitto Avecia Pharma Services in Irvine, California.

Lucas Wallace kan11
Lucas pledged the Kansas Chapter of Triangle in the fall of 2010 and was initiated in spring of 2011. He attended his first national event (Convention) in the summer of 2011 and gained an entirely new understanding of what Triangle was and could be. He returned to his chapter where he served as treasurer for the chapter in 2012 and 2013, along with continued attendance and participation in national events.
After graduation from KU, he worked for Union Pacific Railroad for two years in the KC area where he continued to help advise the Kansas Chapter. He then relocated to Wisconsin where he stayed for 1 year before leaving to attend grad school for Construction Engineering Management at The University of Colorado. He has been working for Shaw Construction since graduating at the end of 2018.
During his time since becoming a Triangle alumnus, he has been fortunate enough to continue to meet new brothers from different chapters along with maintaining relationships with brothers from his own chapter and several others that he met since the first national event he attended 12 years ago.
Nationally, he has served as the chairman of Triangle’s Council of Emerging Leaders, and looks forward to contributing what he can to National Council.

Jackson Clark lou21
Active Councilman
Jackson initiated into the Louisville Chapter of Triangle in 2021. He is pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering with a minor in Biology and will graduate in May of 2025. He plans to pursue a Masters Degree as well with a focus in Environmental Engineering and enter into the field of Stream Restoration.
As an undergraduate, Jackson completed his co-ops at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District working in Environmental Engineering and Dam Safety. He currently works in his school’s hydrology lab, tracing sources of sediment that flows through local streams.
As an active member, Jackson has held many positions in Triangle, including brotherhood chair, development chair, VP of Membership, Leadership Advantage Coordinator, President, and Standards Board. His short term as President saw significant increases in GPA, as well as involvement inside and outside the chapter, which were all contributing factors in Louisville’s 2024 Chapter of the Year award. Jackson plans to use this position to give more undergraduates a voice in operation of the fraternity, as well as making more chapters aware of resources Triangle HQ may have to offer.
Past Councilmen
Name |
Chapter |
Initiation Year |
Years Served |
Adriansen, John R. |
Marquette |
1941 |
1947-51 |
Agarwal, Deepansh |
2019 |
2023-2024 |
Albright, Gifford H. |
Penn State |
1952 |
1982-85 |
Allison, H. Jack |
Oklahoma State |
1964 |
1969-72 |
Amerman, Daniel J. |
Michigan Tech |
1995 |
2001-03 |
Armstrong, Nick |
Washington |
2018 |
2019-20 |
Bagwell, Brandon W. |
Oklahoma |
2004 |
2013-14 |
Barbour, Charles S. |
Penn State |
1943 |
1978-86 |
Bauer, Edward E. |
Illinois |
1916 |
1928-29 |
Beaubien, Richard F. |
Michigan |
1964 |
1974-79 |
Beggs, C. Norman |
Illinois |
1918 |
1926-34 |
Bell, Raymond O. |
Penn State |
1934 |
1941-42 |
Benson, Ikel C. |
Minnesota |
1925 |
1948-55 |
Berninger, John F. |
Armour |
1955 |
1967-72 |
Berns, Max A. |
Illinois |
1908 |
1912-14 |
Bischoff, Charles E. |
Ohio State |
1925 |
1937-39, 1955-57 |
Bischoff, Edward Alan |
Northwestern |
1953 |
1966-68, 1971-75 |
Bodnar, Gary N. |
Purdue |
1976 |
2014- |
Blazek, James V. |
Northwestern |
1956 |
1970-72 |
Borntrager, Karl A. |
Ohio State |
1913 |
1920-22 |
Bowman, Robert N. |
Penn State |
1987 |
2000-02 |
Boyle, Paul D. |
Tri-State |
1987 |
2005-10 |
Brown, Rufus A. |
Mississippi State |
1971 |
1979-85 |
Brown, William R. |
Ohio State |
1933 |
1951-55 |
Bruck, Louis W. |
Purdue |
1909 |
1909-16 |
Bruner, H. Samuel |
Kansas |
1976 |
1983-87 |
Bulman, David H. |
Clarkson/Cornell |
1954 |
1961-65 |
Burgess, Harry H. |
Illinois |
1908 |
1909-12 |
Burt, Ryan |
Louisville |
2015 |
2017-18 |
Campbell, C. Alfred |
Ohio State |
1914 |
1922-23 |
Caplan, Frank, Jr. |
Cornell |
1942 |
1956-61 |
Cerrato, Joseph M. |
Ohio State |
2005 |
2011-2013, 2014-2023 |
Clark, Patrick J |
Marquette |
1954 |
1961-64 |
Clicquennoi, Irving M. |
Purdue |
1909 |
1913-15 |
Coller, James |
Michigan |
2013 |
2016-17 |
Cottage, John |
Penn State |
2004 |
2014- |
Cottrell, Jeffrey D. |
Michigan Tech |
1994 |
2007-15 |
Cress, Eldred E. |
Illinois |
1916 |
1923-26 |
Cross, Early T. |
Kentucky |
1920 |
1924-25 |
Cunningham, C. Carl |
Purdue |
1912 |
1922-24 |
Czyzewski, Matthew A. |
Toledo |
1989 |
1995-99, 1999-2001 |
Darbo, Howard H. |
Wisconsin |
1929 |
1950-56 |
Davis, Daniel E. |
Ohio State |
1911 |
1916-18 |
Deas, William G. |
Cincinnati |
1939 |
1951-53, 1954-55 |
Deen, Robert C. |
Kentucky |
1948 |
1965-70 |
Diedtrich, Shawn G. |
Minnesota |
1990 |
1997-2000 |
Drew, Randall E. |
Rose |
1967 |
1971-77, 2009-2019 |
Dryfoose, Earl D. |
Purdue |
1918 |
1920-21 |
Duncan, Franklin Dee |
Kansas State |
1964 |
1967-71 |
Dunning, William B. |
Illinois |
1907 |
1914-16 |
Eiler, Timothy L. |
Minnesota |
1987 |
1991-2000, 2009-11 |
Eklund, Jonathan E. |
1999 |
2016-20 |
Ersted, Gordon T. |
Minnesota |
1941 |
1967-73 |
Evon, Albert J. |
Armour |
1988 |
1996-2000, 2002-04 |
Fagerstrom, William B. |
Wisconsin |
1959 |
1974-76 |
Fay, James E. |
Iowa State |
1970 |
1994-97 |
Feger, Bret T. |
Louisville |
1986 |
1996-2005 |
Fong, Kevin Y. |
1984 |
1997-2016, 2021- |
Fullenwider, Charles V.R. |
Purdue |
1909 |
1909-12 |
Gargani, John C. |
Pittsburgh |
1982 |
2004- |
Gaston, Lindon S. |
Purdue |
1917 |
1934-41 |
Gellhaus, E. Harlan |
South Dakota Mines |
1957 |
1964-68 |
Glass, Leo |
Nebraska |
2003 |
2013-14 |
Godfrey, Kyle |
Penn State Behrend |
2016 |
2018-19 |
Goss, H. Andrew |
Louisville |
2000 |
2007-12 |
Greene, John W. |
Iowa State |
1973 |
1980-83 |
Grossnickle, Connor R. |
Wisconsin |
2019 |
2022-2023 |
Guido, Daniel J. |
1996 |
2002-06 |
Haggard, George W. |
Ohio State |
1960 |
1972-75, 1976-77 |
Halgren, Robert G. |
Michigan |
2005 |
2015-16 |
Hamlett, Robert M. |
Kansas State/Armour |
1961 |
1991-96 |
Handley, Thomas L. |
Kansas |
1968 |
1972-75 |
Harris, Richard P. |
Kansas State |
1982 |
1993-95 |
Harvey, George H. |
Ohio State |
1911 |
1918-19 |
Hatfield, Donald S. |
Michigan State |
1988 |
2000-09 |
Heitert, Steven M. |
Missouri Mines |
1981 |
1990-96 |
Herbol, Wesley C. |
Armour |
1952 |
1990-92 |
Hernandez, Omar G. |
Northwestern |
1975 |
1989-96 |
Hett, Charles L. |
Kansas State |
1964 |
1985-91 |
Hettrick, Robert N. |
Cincinnati |
1949 |
1970-74, 1975-78 |
Hicks, Michael D. |
Kansas State |
1976 |
1988-90 |
Hoel, Robert D. |
Armour |
1967 |
1988-93 |
Ilg, George M. |
Illinois |
1907 |
1909-11 |
Jakubowski, Gerald S. |
Toledo |
1974 |
1976-86 |
Jarman, Brian K. |
Purdue |
2001 |
2012-21 |
Jenkins, Douglas P. |
Northwestern |
1942 |
1954-57 |
Jordan, David C. |
Rose |
1969 |
1981-87 |
Kaiser, Frank A. |
Wisconsin |
1918 |
1922-23 |
Keller, Bradley N. |
Nebraska |
1969 |
1979-81, 1992-94, 2017-2023 |
Kennedy, Harold |
Marquette |
1943 |
1950-55 |
Kennedy, Jerry L. |
Louisville |
1971 |
1977-79 |
Kerns, Randy G. |
Missouri Mines |
1971 |
1978-84, 1987-90 |
Kincaid, James M., III |
Colorado State |
1970 |
1984-86 |
King, Paul |
Toledo |
1977 |
1993-95 |
Kingston, William J. |
Cornell |
1948 |
1954-63 |
Kleinknight, Luster R. |
Purdue |
1916 |
1922-26 |
Knapp, Willard A. |
Illinois |
1908 |
1911-17 |
Kumar, Neel |
Minnesota |
2014 |
2023-2024 |
Lantz, Raymond L. |
Penn State |
1951 |
1970-72 |
Larson, Edward |
Cincinnati |
1922 |
1947-50 |
Layritz, Harold H. |
Cincinnati |
1921 |
1929-47 |
Lenz, Harry E. |
Cincinnati |
1947 |
1952-55 |
Leonard, Theodore, Jr |
Ohio State |
1911 |
1919-20 |
Lindstrom, Richard F |
1971 |
1987-89 |
Little, Charles R |
Purdue |
1923 |
1931-34, 1945-48 |
Lommel, George E. |
Purdue |
1912 |
1918-22 |
MacDowell, Rollin F. |
Ohio State |
1911 |
1917-20 |
Manock, Wilbur R. |
Illinois |
1909 |
1919-20 |
Marshall, James R. |
Purdue |
1965 |
1976-81, 1986-89 |
Martin, William C. |
Kentucky |
1946 |
1973-75 |
Masuda, Stuart J. |
UC Irvine |
2007 |
2015- |
Maudlin, Cecil V. |
Purdue |
1914 |
1921-22 |
Maxon, Bruce E. |
Cincinnati |
1921 |
1927-29 |
Mayer, Irwin D. |
Purdue |
1914 |
1929-34 |
McCoy, Milton H. |
Illinois |
1907 |
1909 |
McDonnell, Michael D. |
Michigan |
1964 |
1969-70 |
McGovern, William R. |
Marquette |
1955 |
1975-82 |
McIntosh, Fabian C. |
Wisconsin |
1913 |
1917-18 |
McNaughton, Lewis J. |
Michigan |
1963 |
1981-83 |
Meglan, Carl P. |
Ohio State |
1956 |
1986-88 |
Mercer, John W. |
Ohio State |
1924 |
1939-47 |
Mitchell, Ned E. |
Northwestern |
1943 |
1948-51 |
Moe, Christopher A. |
Iowa State |
1992 |
2001-04 |
Morrison, Benjamin F. |
Armour |
1923 |
1934-35 |
Mosborg, Robert J. |
Illinois |
1945 |
1969-74, 1977-80 |
Mullins, Marcus |
Toledo |
2019 |
2020-21 |
Murphy, Bryley K. |
Kentucky |
2012 |
2018-20 |
Newlon, Merle, III |
Louisville |
1973 |
1988-95, 1998-2004, 2019-2023 |
Newman, Ryan E. |
Kentucky |
2004 |
2011-12 |
Ohman, Warner |
Purdue |
1939 |
1947-49, 1951-52 |
Ott, Alexander J. |
Michigan Tech |
2011 |
2015 |
Over, Kurt W. |
Pittsburgh |
1983 |
1995-2001, 2003-07 |
Overman, Richard L. |
Purdue |
1965 |
1991-93 |
Pereira, Michael A. |
Marquette |
1975 |
2005-08 |
Pierre, Seth. |
Iowa State |
2019 |
2021-2022 |
Potter, C. Vernon |
Ohio State |
1911 |
1911-13 |
Quayle, Kenneth W., III |
Colorado State |
1971 |
1983-88 |
Rather, Max F. |
Wisconsin |
1913 |
1915-17 |
Rathmann, Daniel P. |
Cornell |
1953 |
1966-71 |
Reichard, E. Paul |
Cincinnati |
1923 |
1937-46 |
Renner, William D. |
Purdue |
1937 |
1949-51 |
Reutter, Carl J. |
Armour |
1924 |
1942-45 |
Rezabeck, Eugene J. |
Armour |
1947 |
1957-66 |
Robertson, Kevin P. |
Marquette |
1992 |
2004-11 |
Rockwood, Alan C. |
Iowa |
1922 |
1924-27 |
Rogers, Michael F. |
Armour |
1979 |
1996-97 |
Rosenbaum, Ray V. |
Purdue |
1909 |
1909-11 |
Rossander, Harry V. |
South Dakota Mines/Purdue |
1978 |
1990-94, 2006-10 |
Sachs, Benjamin H., Jr. |
Louisville |
1941 |
1947-51 |
Sands, James A. |
Ohio State |
1980 |
1994-96 |
Sargent, H. Jack |
Purdue |
1955 |
1986-91 |
Schlenk, John J. |
Minnesota |
1922 |
1940-47 |
Schryver, Howard F. |
Ohio State |
1911 |
1914-18 |
Schustedt, Frederick N. |
Wisconsin |
1913 |
1918-22 |
Schwerin, Arthur |
Illinois |
1907 |
1926-47 |
Scobie, Herbert F. |
Minnesota |
1932 |
1946-47, 1969-78 |
Scott, Jeffrey P. |
Wisconsin |
1987 |
1994-2002 |
Scott, Stephen W. |
Colorado State |
1974 |
1991-94 |
Serpa, John R. |
VIP/Pittsburgh |
1978 |
1988-90 |
Sharp, Robert G. |
Purdue |
1951 |
1992-98 |
Sheets, Frank T. |
Illinois |
1911 |
1916-19 |
Sikkema, William F. |
Illinois |
1942 |
1947-48 |
Smith, Rodney R. |
Louisville |
1961 |
1969-70 |
Smith, William H. |
Penn State |
1928 |
1935-40 |
Snagel, Glenn W. |
Purdue |
1945 |
1972-74 |
Snider, Randy J. |
Oklahoma State |
1964 |
1974-76 |
Spears, Sholto M. |
Kentucky |
1920 |
1922-24 |
Stamp, Allen L. |
South Dakota Mines |
1983 |
1989-91 |
Stocco, Marcos D. |
Oklahoma |
1993 |
2010-16 |
Stoebe, Rolland W. |
Minnesota |
1927 |
1936-37 |
Stoesser, Raymond A. |
Kentucky |
1921 |
1925-28 |
Sudheimer, Richard H. |
Minnesota |
1952 |
1972-76 |
Sunyak, Ryan M. |
Toledo |
2010 |
2016- |
Swihart, William L. |
Purdue |
1945 |
1959-67 |
Taylor, Oliver G. |
Purdue |
1909 |
1909 |
Thompson, Culin A. |
Kansas |
2013 |
2015-16 |
Thorp, James A. |
Rose |
1988 |
1996-97 |
Thwaits, Howard G. |
Wisconsin |
1913 |
1918-19 |
Turley, R.E., Jr. |
Illinois |
1911 |
1920 |
Vogt, Frank W. |
Illinois |
1917 |
1920-24, 1957-61 |
Vogt, Robert A. |
Missouri Mines |
1943 |
1954-59 |
Waid, Robert N |
Ohio State |
1911 |
1912-14 |
Wakeland, Ray W |
Purdue |
1909 |
1934-35 |
Weed, John Merrill |
Ohio State |
1921 |
1963-69 |
Weikinger, Jeffrey T. |
Toledo |
1997 |
2010 – |
Wheatley, Mark W. |
Oklahoma |
1990 |
2004-06 |
Wiepking, Chris A. |
Wisconsin |
1918 |
1924-31 |
Wyatt, John R. |
Michigan |
1976 |
1985-92 |
Yick, David H. |
Penn State |
1963 |
2013-17 |