Cal Poly Pomona Alumni Page


We will be adding correspondence and updates from the rebuilding effort below with the most recent first.

Hello Brothers:

Our first meeting with Triangle National President John Cottage ps04 and Executive Director Tom Pennington was a success and we seem to have found a direction forward. I’d like to update you all on what was discussed and some next steps.

First off, we have heard from most of the alumni, and the majority of us believe that we should try our best to restart the chapter at Cal Poly Pomona. This cannot be done without the support from our alumni chapter, whether it be time or monetary support.

If you’d like to show your support in helping rebuild the chapter, you can use this website link that HQ has provided us with:

Phi Sigma Rho may be joining us in this restart of our chapters at Cal Poly Pomona as well. For those of you that do not know, they were suspended from recruitment due to some issues between some members and their national board. They have just been cleared of their suspension on campus and some of our alumni wish to support their restart as well. Roland Pantaleo will be assisting in this area with his wife Nicole – a Phi Rho alumna.

Right now, I am looking for a group of alumni that can support the chapter with an hour or two a week to work with HQ staff this semester so that we have the information and training moving forward. Once we start recruitment, we will use this information to pass down to the new recruits and assist them in starting the chapter again. If you have any questions, feel free to email me back or text me on my cell phone – 7143306840.

Lastly, the monthly dinners are coming back! I know, COVID put a wrench in those plans when we had a good amount of brothers coming out each month. Starting next month, I will be sending out emails to you all regarding the monthly dinners and where they will be. I will keep rotating them as I did before, Inland Empire, Los Angeles, North OC, and Central OC. If you think we should add another area or if we don’t need one of the areas, let me know your thoughts. I’d love to hear from you!

Thank you Brothers!


Alumni and Friends of the Cal Poly Pomona Chapter – We need your assistance.  Please see the letter below.

Cal Poly Pomona Brothers:

I’m writing to ask for your help in continuing our legacy at Cal Poly Pomona that we’ve left behind. As some of you may have heard, the chapter has suffered tremendous hardships through the pandemic and there are no brothers left at the chapter to continue the brotherhood. If we are to survive these hardships, we’re going to need to come together once again to provide as much aide as we, the alumni, can. After I’ve exhausted all the avenues the previous academic year, I reached out to Triangle HQ to provide some insight on how to move forward. I’ll provide the situation and how we hope to respond:

Situation: Two years of the Covid pandemic made recruitment extremely difficult because rush, initiation, pledge process had to take place virtually, for the most part. I’m sure you can imagine how hard it would be to recruit brothers if the whole process was done online. Fewer brothers led to less money to pay for dues, resulting in chapter debt. HQ staff tried to assist, but you all know how difficult it was to recruit in our school due to it being a commuter school.

Response: We have been working with HQ to come up with a plan to restart the chapter. They’ve talked to the school and CPP is giving us the opportunity to recruit without any active members on campus. The school still favors us and they want us to be successful and are ready to assist us in our revitalization effort. Triangle HQ has talented staff that they are offering to send our way to help as well. The last piece, is the alumni effort.

Here’s what we need:

  • 3 – 5 alumni with the ability to commit 5-10 hours per month as volunteer coaches/advisors
  • $3,000 to $5,000 in operating funds to support the recruitment and rebuilding effort
  • Another 5-10 alumni who would agree to attend an alumni night on campus this fall to talk with prospects about their jobs and how Triangle has helped them succeed

If we can reach these goals, Triangle will write off the existing active debts and commit to online and in-person training of the alumni volunteers. They will also dedicate a staff member to guide and assist with a fall recruitment. The goal would be to secure a core group of 5-10 men to work with the alumni to grow the chapter back to a competitive size during this academic year and be ready for recruitment in Fall 2023.

A Zoom meeting has been scheduled for Sunday evening, September 18 at 6:00 PM Pacific (link is below). We will have representation from Triangle’s National Council and HQ staff. If you have any interest in seeing Triangle remain at CPP and continuing our legacy, we hope you can make the time to meet with us during this important time. For those motivated to get involved now, please contact me directly at Regardless, we need alumni to step up and commit time, talent and treasure to keep us at CPP.

Your brother,
Kurt Paul cpp13

Register for the September 18 Zoom Meeting here: (link no longer available).  All alumni are welcome, but we would like you to register, so we know who will participate.  All those who register will receive the Zoom meeting link via email confirmation.

Please use the form below to let us know who you are, how you can help, and how we can reach you with updates or information on area alumni events.

I want to help keep Triangle at CPP!

13 + 12 =

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You can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring monthly gift quickly and easily on our secure donations page.
NOTE: Be sure to enter “CPP Renewal Effort” in the Payment Memo field
to indicate where you wish your gift applied. These gifts are NOT tax deductible to the donor.