Chapter Advisors


Chapter Advisors, whether they are alumni of Triangle or a Friend of Triangle are committed to aiding in the success of their respective chapter or colony.  Chapter advisors serve as the chair of the chapter advisory board and take an active role in the organization.  The nature and style of that role is left to the determination of the chapter and its advisor. The role of the Chapter Advisor is to guide, advise, and support the chapter and its officers and monitor their progress. A chapter may choose to have one Chapter Advisor or a team of advisors.

The Chapter Advisor needs to be willing to devote significant time to the chapter, be skilled in organizational and leadership development, and proficient in the National Organization’s policies and their interpretation. It is through committed alumni and volunteers support that chapters achieve their greatest success.


Illinois (ill)

Purdue (pur)

Ohio State (os)

Wisconsin (wis)

Kentucky (ky)

Cincinnati (cin)

Minnesota (minn)

Armour (ar)

Michigan (mich)

Kansas (kan)

Missouri Mines (mom)

Penn State (ps)

South Dakota Mines (sdm)

Marquette (marq)

Louisville (lou)

Michigan State (msu)

UCLA (ucla)

Kansas State (ks)

MSOE (msoe)

Colorado State (csu)

Rose Tech (rose)

Pitt (pitt)

UWM (uwm)

Toledo (tol)

Oklahoma (ok)

Michigan Tech (mtu)

UMBC (umbc)

Houston (hou)

California (cal)

UCSD (ucsd)

Charlotte (char)

Cal Poly Pomona (cpp)

UCI (uci)

Florida Atlantic (fau)

Penn State Behrend (psb)

Virginia Commonwealth (vcu)

Utah (utah)

Clemson (clem)

Iowa State (is)

Georgia Tech (gt)

Virginia Tech (vpi)

Nebraska (neb)

Arizona State (asu)


University of Illinois

Purdue University

The Ohio State University

University of Wisconsin, Madison

University of Kentucky

University of Cincinnati

University of Minnesota

Illinois Institute of Technology

University of Michigan

University of Kansas

Missouri University of Science & Technology

Pennsylvania State University

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

Marquette University

University of Louisville

Michigan State University

University of California, Los Angeles

Kansas State University

Milwaukee School of Engineering

Colorado State University

Rose-Hulman Insitute of Technology

University of Pittsburgh

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

University of Toledo

University of Oklahoma

Michigan Technological University

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

University of Houston

University of California, Berkely

University of California, San Diego

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona

University of California, Irvine

Florida Atlantic University

Penn State Erie, The Behrend College

Virginia Commonwealth University

University of Utah

Clemson University

Iowa State University

Georgia Institute of Technology

Virginia Polytechnic Institute

University of Nebraska, Lincoln

Arizona State University

Interested in advising a chapter or colony? Contact Drew Hopson at

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120 S. Center Street
Plainfield, IN 46168
P | (317) 837-9640
F | (317) 837-9642

Office Hours

Monday through Friday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Eastern)

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