The Triangle Building & Housing Corp (TBHC) is pleased to announce that we have completed a national agreement with SupplyTime.com a comprehensive national cleaning supplies and office supplies company. This agreement will allow you to order online all your cleaning and office supplies through an individual account code which will entitle you to a discount and free shipping on all orders above $75. This opportunity is 100% voluntary, you may choose to participate or not. However, your participation is good for the group as a whole. The process for taking advantage of this opportunity is as follows:
- The TBHC will provide to SupplyTime a list of contact information for each group’s Alumni & Active President (If you are receiving this, you are on the list)
- A SupplyTime representative will contact the members on that list and introduce them to the SupplyTime process.
If you wish to opt out of this process and not have your contact information passed on please email Mike Fouts at mfouts@trianglebhc.org.
SupplyTime will make contact with the person that is responsible for and actually places orders at each chapter/colony facility. If you wish to use this service the implementation process is as follows:
- A SupplyTime representative will work with you to develop a supply list that meets your needs
- You will have a dedicated inside national account advocate at SupplyTime
- Orders will be placed online at SupplyTime.com and delivered within a few days
- You will be assigned a SupplyTime account number and can begin saving
There is no contract and no commitment. This is an opportunity the TBHC sought out to help our chapters, colonies, and house corporations. If you have any questions relative to participating in this program, please contact me at mfouts@trianglebhc.org or call at (317) 203-4506.