LTW Goes Virtual
The annual January Leadership and Training Weekend (LTW) will take place from January 15-17, 2021 via Zoom – but don’t worry, it won’t be like a class. Here are some things you should know about the program:

  • The program will consist of 7 tracks, including Finance, Recruitment, New Member Education and Philanthropy/PR. The Steven Miller Presidents Leadership Academy will run in conjunction with these tracks, in addition to a new track for emerging leaders.
  • Attendees will be placed in smaller groups within their Track. Small groups will be made up of members from similar campuses, chapter sizes, etc. There will be no large group sessions.
  • Each track will feature a ‘Ted Talk’ from a successful alumnus. You will be able to ask the alumnus questions and learn more about how Triangle helped them be successful.
  • Each chapter will complete the program with all their track participants together to create a facilitated action plan for their chapter’s success.

Registration cost will be $70 per attendee, but the price is reduced to $35 for chapters who have attendees complete at least five tracks. Registration will be available on the Triangle website in November and will outline costs and billings, but start discussing with your chapter officers now. No funds are necessary at registration; chapter costs will be calculated after the event and CEF funds and grants from Triangle Education Foundation will help offset any final billings to chapters.

Distinguished Alumni Panel – October 18 at 3 PM Eastern
Join three distinguished Triangle Alumni as they discuss leadership, benefits of membership in Triangle, and the value of the Triangle experience. Following the panel there will be time for Q&A with our panelist. This event is open to all Triangle members, friends of Triangle, and potential new members, so share with PNMs and let them see the opportunities Triangle can offer! Register for the event here:

Fraternity Health and Safety Initiative (FHSI)
Last August National Council set an expectation for all chapters to do FHSI risk management education once per term or twice a year. FHSI programs are provided by our insurer Favor and Company and involve trained alumni delivering in-person programs. Because of the coronavirus and limitations on group events, we do not expect these programs to occur before end of 2021 and chapters will not be penalized if they do not meet this expectation. We will continue to work to train Triangle alumni and volunteers to deliver these programs annually. Learn more about FHSI programs here:

From the Desk of Rhonda:
The first half of 2020-21 Chapter Assessment invoices will go out on or around October 15. The Chapter Assessment Fee for 2020-21 school year is $1,225, however National Council is retaining 2019-20 Fees, so it will be reduced to $1,200 ($600 billed in Fall and Spring).

For chapters who have not yet paid Fall NAFs, the invoices are now due. Payment options are :
1) to pay on line. ACH (electronic check) is preferred, however a credit/debit card may also be used, but a service charge may be applied to the account when making card payments.
2)  You may also call 317-837-9640 Ext. 2002 to make a payment via ACH or credit/debit card (service charge may apply). My hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00-4:00 Eastern time.
3)  Of course the traditional method of mailing a check is also perfectly acceptable. Make check to Triangle Fraternity and mail to 120 S Center St, Plainfield, IN  46168-1214.

Click to Join TriangleConnect

Haven’t joined Triangle Connect? Sign up now to be able to network with Brothers, join a group and share with fellow members! Already a member? Make sure to update your profile and start connecting today! Connect at


Covid-19 Micro-Grants still are available from Triangle Education Foundation through November. Up to $500 is available to any undergraduate having difficulty paying education costs due to the pandemic and does not have to be repaid. Information and online application can be found here:

The Income Share Agreement (ISA) program is live! Triangle’s ISAs are contracts between you and the Triangle Education Foundation that provide funding for your education. In exchange, you agree to share a fixed percentage of your future gross monthly income after you leave school. Learn more an apply online here:

Prime Day Promo
If you’re an Amazon customer, use and select Triangle Education Foundation as your charitable partner. Shop at and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to our Foundation—no fees, no extra cost.